History of Taekwon-Do | 跆拳道歷史
Although the origins of the martial arts are shrouded in mystery, it is undeniable that from time immemorial there have been physical actions involving the use of the hands and feet for purpose of self protection. If we were to define these physical action as “Taekwon-Do”, any country might claim credit for inventing Taekwon-Do. There is, however, scant resemblance between Taekwon-Do and the crude forms of unarmed combat developed in the past.
Modern Taekwon-Do differs greatly from other martial arts. In fact, no other martial art is so advanced with regard to the sophistication and effectiveness of its technique or the overall physical fitness it imparts to its practitioners.
Since the theories, terminology, techniques, systems, methods, rules, practice suit and spiritual foundation were scientfically developed, systematized and named by General Choi, it is an error to think of any physical actions employing the hand and feet for self-defence as Taekwon-Do. Nor is any other martial arts system entitled to call itself Taekwon-Do. Only those who practise the techniques based on General Choi’s theories, principles and philosophy are considered to be students of genuine Taekwon-Do.
When and where did Taekwon-Do begin?
A combination of circumstances made it possible for General Choi to originate and develop Taekwon-Do. With his prior knowledge of Taek Kyon, General Choi had an opportunity to learn Karate in Japan during the 36 years’ Japanese occupation of Korea. Soon after Korea was liberated in 1945, General Choi was placed in a privileged position as a founding member of the newly formed South Korean Armed Forces.
一連串的事件,造就了崔將軍創立並發展跆拳道。本身對Taek Kyon這種韓國古代武術有所認識的崔將軍,在日本統治韓國的36年間,有機會到日本學習空手道。韓國於1945年解放後不久,他擔任了重要的職位,協助組成南韓軍隊。
General Choi’s knowledge of Taek Kyon and Karate provided him with a definite sense of creation and the privileged rank gave him the power to disseminate Taekwon-Do throughout the entire armed forces despite furious opposition.
崔將軍對Taek Kyon及空手道的認識,賦予他創立跆拳道的能力,而憑藉著他的軍階所賦予的權力,他亦能力排眾議,在軍中廣泛推廣跆拳道。
The emergence of Taekwon-Do as an international martial art in a relatively short period of time was due to a number of factors. The evils of contemporary society (moral corruption, materialism, selfishness, etc.) had created a spiritual vacuum. Taekwon-Do was able to compensate for the prevailing sense of emptiness, distrust, decadence and lack of confidence.
In addition, these were violent times, when people felt the need for a means of protecting themselves, and the superiority of Taekwon-Do technique came to be widely recognized. General Choi’s social statue, the advantage of being Taekwon-Do’s founder and his God-given health also contributed to the rapid growth of Taekwon-Do all over the world.
General Choi had been born frail and weak and was encouraged to learn Taek Kyon at the age of fifteen by his teacher of calligraphy. In 1938, a few days before he was due to leave Korea to study in Japan, he was involved in an unexpected incident that would have made it difficult to return home without risk of reprisals. In Japan, he became a black belt holder in Karate. The skills he required were sufficient for him to protect himself against those who might seek to do him harm. Later, he returned to Korea and subsequently initated the national liberation movement known as as the Pyongyang Student Soldiers Movement and had been imprisoned for a time in a Japanese army jail. After the War, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the fledgling Republic of Korea army in January 1946 and posted to the 4th infantry regiment in Kwangju, Cholla Namdo Province as a company commander.
崔將軍自小身體虛弱,在他的書法老師鼓勵下,十五歲開始練習Taek Kyon。1938年,崔將軍的一次人生突變,迫使他離開韓國到日本留學。他在日本留學考獲空手道的黑帶等級,而其所學到的技術,亦足以使他回國後能保護自己,免受傷害。後來,他回國後發動了全國解放運動,即著名的「「平壤學兵義舉」,並因而被日軍拘捕入獄。戰後,他於1946年1月在剛組成的朝鮮共和國軍隊中擔任陸軍中尉,隨後被派往全羅南道的光州出任第四步兵軍團之指揮官。
General Choi began to teach Karate to the soldiers as a means of physical and mental training, and gradually he considered that it was necessary to develop their own national martial art superior in both spirit and technique to Japanese Karate. He strongly believed that teaching it throughout the country would enable him to fulfill the pledge he had made to three of his comrades who had shared his imprisonment by the Japanese. “The reason that our people suffer in this way at the hands of the Japanese,” he said, “is that our ancestors failed to rule wisely”.
“They exploited the people and, in the end, lost the country to foreign domination. If we ever regain our freedom and independence, let us not become the rulers of the people. Instead, let us dedicate ourselves to advising those who rule.”
It was with this ambition in mind that General Choi began to develop new techniques systematically from March 1946. By the end of 1954, he had nearly completed the foundation of a new martial art for Korea, and on 11 April 1955, it was given the name “Taekwon-Do”.
On the spiritual level, Taekwon-Do is derived from the traditional, ethical and moral principles of the orient and from his personal philosophy. General Choi prided himself on having lived in strict accordance with his moral convictions and had tried to fight on the side of justice without fear of any kind, which he believed that this was possible for him only because of the formidable power and indomitable spirit instilled by Taekwon-Do.
“跆拳道” 的精神,融合了東方的傳統、倫理、道德標準及崔將軍的個人哲學。崔將軍謹守其個人的道德信念,為了公義而無所畏懼,他深信這一切都是跆拳道賦予他驚人的力量及百折不屈的精神。
The physical aspect of Taekwon-Do are based on the principles of modern science, in particular, Newtonian physics which teaches people the generation of maximum power. Military tactics of attack and defence have also been incorporated.
Although Karate and Taek Kyon were used as references, the basic theories and principles of Taekwon-Do are completely differentiated from those of any other martial art in the world.
跆拳道雖以空手道和Taek Kyon作參考,但其基本的理論和原則卻與世界上任何一種武術截然不同。
In March 1959, General Choi led the military Taekwon-Do demonstration on a tour abroad to South Vietnam and Taiwan. It was the first such visit in the history of Korea. On this occasion, General Choi renewed his resolution to leave his personal legacy to the world in the form of Taekwon-Do and he formulated the following basic ideals for the Taekwon-Do practitioners:
By developing an upright mind and a strong body, we will acquire the self-confidence to stand on the side of justice at all times.
We shall unite with all men in a common brotherhood, without regard to religion, race, national or ideological boundaries.
We shall dedicate ourselves to building a peaceful human society in which justice, morality, trust and humanism prevail.
General Choi also resolved to devote himself to the world-wide propagation of Taekwon-Do in the hope that it would provide the means by which the unification of the divided halves of Korea would become possible.
The study of Taekwon-Do proceeded in two parts, spiritual discipline and technical perfection. Because the human spirit belongs to the realm of metaphysics, it is not easy to describe spiritual discipline. One cannot touch, see or hear the spirit of man. It is wider and deeper than anything we can perceive. General Choi defined the spiritual dimensions of Taekwon-Do as fusing oneself with the ideals of Taekwon-Do and attaining and understanding the full meaning of each of the patterns. If we consider ourselves as one with Taekwon-Do, we will respect it as we respect our own bodies and Taekwon-Do will never be used in a dishonorable way.
跆拳道的修練可分為兩部分: 即精神修養及技巧鍛鍊。精神修養乃形而上學,因此難以簡單說明;它觸不著,看不見,聽不到,高深莫測。崔將軍將跆拳道的精神修養界定為將人與跆拳道的理想合而為一,了解每一個套拳背後的含義。如將自己與跆拳道合而為一,就會像尊重自己身體一樣,而永不會濫用跆拳道。
The names of the patterns are derived from the most illustrious people to have been produced by nearly five thousand years of Korean history. A proper understanding of the patterns leads inevitably to the realization that Taekwon-Do is a martial art to be used only for self-protection and only in the cause of justice. The history of Korea contains not a single example of its military forces being employed for the invasion of its neighbours or for any other purpose except national defence.
In the technical area, General Choi created a wide variety of techniques that can be used in almost any situation. They are based on the following principles:
All movements should be designed to produce maximum power in accordance with scientific formulas and the principle of kinetic energy.
The principles behind the techniques should be so clear that even those ignorant of Taekwon-Do will be able to distinguish correct from incorrect movement.
The distance and angle of each movement should be exactly defined in order to achieve more efficient attack and defence.
The purpose and method of each movement should be clear and simple, in order to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Rational teaching methods should be developed so that the benefits of Taekwon-Do can be enjoyed by everyone, young and old, men and women.
Correct breathing methods should be devised, enhancing the speed of each movement and reducing fatigue.
Attack should be possible against any vital spot on the body and it should be possible to defend against all varieties of attack.
Each attacking tool should be clearly defined and soundly based on the structure of the human body.
Each movement should be easy to execute, enabling the student to enjoy Taekwon-Do as a sport and recreation.
Special consideration should be paid to promoting good health and preventing injuries.
Each movement should be harmonious and rhythmical so that Taekwon-Do is aesthetically pleasing.
Each movement in a pattern must express the personality and spiritual character of the person it is named after.
Adherance to these basic principles is what makes Taekwon-Do a martial art, an aesthetic art, a science and sport.