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Meaning of Taekwon-Do


"Tae" stands for jumping or flying, to kick or smash with the foot.

"Kwon" denotes the fist, chiefly to punch or destroy with the hand or fist.

"Do" means an art or way, the right way built and paved by the saints and sages in the past.


TaeKwon-Do indicates the mental training and the techniques of unarmed combat for self defence as well as health, involving the skilled application of punches, kicks, blocks and dodges with bare hands and feet to the rapid destruction of the moving opponent or opponents.




“跆” 代表跳起或飛躍、以腳踢擊。

“拳” 代表拳頭,意謂以手或拳攻擊或摧毀。

“道” 意指一種技巧、一種方法、由古代先聖先賢指引給後人的正確道路。



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