Explanation of the Tenets of Taekwon-Do | 跆拳道精神的闡釋
The success or failure of Taekwon-Do training depends on how one observes and implements the tenets of Taekwon-Do which should serve as a guide for all serious students of the art.
Courtesy禮義 (예의,Ye Ui)
Taekwon-Do students should attempt to practise the following elements of courtesy to build up their noble character and to conduct the training in an orderly manner as well:
To promote the spirit of mutual concessions;
To be ashamed of one’s vices, disapproving those of others;
To be polite to one another;
To encourage the sense of justice and humanity;
To distinguish instructor from student, senior from junior, and elder from younger;
To behave oneself according to etiquette;
To respect others’ possessions;
To handle matters with fairness and sincerity;
To refrain from giving or accepting any gift when in doubt.
1. 發揚互讓互諒的精神。
2. 對自己犯下的過錯感到羞愧,對他人的過錯予以批判。
3. 以禮待人。
4. 鼓勵仁義之道。
5. 懂得師徒、前後輩、長幼有序。
6. 言行要合乎禮。
7. 尊重他人所有。
8. 處事公正、真誠。
9. 不應給予或收受任何令人懷疑的禮物。
Integrity | 廉恥 (염치,Yom Chi)
A person with integrity must be able to define right and wrong and have the conscience, if wrong, to feel guilt. Here are some examples where integrity is lacking:
The instructor who misrepresents himself and his art by presenting improper techniques to his students because of a lack of knowledge or apathy.
The students who misrepresents himself by ‘fixing’ breaking materials before demonstrations.
The instructor who camouflages bad techniques with luxurious training halls and false flattery to his students.
The student who requests rank from an instructor, or attempts to purchase it.
The student who gains rank for egoistic purposes or the feeling of power.
The instructor who teaches and promotes his art for materialistic gains.
The student whose actions do not live up his words.
The students who feels ashamed to seek opinions from his juniors.
1. 導師因自己學藝未精或欠缺熱誠,向學員教導不當的技術。
2. 學員虛假表現自己技術,於擊破示範前預先「處理」材料。
3. 導師利用富麗堂皇的道場及對學員的虛假讚美,藉以掩飾自己差劣的技術。
4. 學員向導師要求或試圖以金錢購買等級資格。
5. 學員以獲取等級資格來滿足個人的利益和權力慾。
6. 導師為牟利而教授及提倡武術。
7. 學員言行不一。
8. 學員恥於向後輩請教。
Perseverance | 忍耐 (인내, In Nae)
There is an old Oriental saying that “Patience leads to virtue or merit”. Happiness and prosperity are most likely brought to the patient person. To achieve something, whether it is a higher degree or the perfection of a technique, one must set his goal, then constantly persevere. Robert Bruce learned his lesson of perseverance from the persisting efforts of a lowly spider and it was this perseverance and tenacity that finally enabled him to free Scotland in the fourteenth century. One of the most important secrets in becoming a leader of Taekwon-Do is to overcome every difficulty by perseverance. Just like what Confucius said, “One who is impatient in trivial matters can seldom achieve success in matters of great importance.”.
古語有云:「忍耐是一種美德」。能忍耐的人才會快樂和富足。要成就任何事,無論是一個較高的段數或是完美的技術,必須要定下目標,然後持之以恆,以達致目標。羅拔布魯士(Robert Bruce)受蜘蛛的啟發而學會忍耐,亦憑藉這忍耐和堅定不移的鬥志,終於令他在14世紀成功解放蘇格蘭。要成為跆拳道的領導者,其中一個最重要的秘訣就是以忍耐去克服所有困難。正如孔子說: 「小不忍則亂大謀。」
Self-Control | 克己 (극기, Guk Gi)
This tenet is extremely important inside and outside the Dojang, whether conducting oneself in free sparring or in one’s personal affairs. A loss of self-control in free sparring can prove disastrous to both student and opponent. An inability to live and work within one’s capability or sphere is also a lack of self-control. According to Lao-Tzu “the term of stronger is the person who wins over oneself rather than someone else.”
Indomitable Spirit | 百折不屈 (백절불굴, Baekjul Boolgool)
“Here lie 300, who did their duty,” a simple epitaph for one of the greatest acts of courage known to mankind. Although facing the superior forces of Xerxes, Leonidas and his 300 Spartans at Thermopylae showed the world the meaning of indomitable spirit. It is shown when a courageous person and his principles are pitted against overwhelming odds.
A serious student of Taekwon-Do will always be modest and honest. If confronted with injustice, he will deal with the belligerent without any fear or hesitation at all, with indomitable spirit, regardless of whosoever and however many the number may be. Confucius said, “It is an act of cowardice to fail to speak out against injustice.” As history has proven, those who have pursued their dreams earnestly and strenuously with indomitable spirit have never failed to achieve their goals.
認真的跆拳道學員必須謙虛和誠實,當面對不公義的情況時,不管對方是誰,也不管對方人數多寡,都應以百折不屈的精神面對,不畏懼,不妥協。孔子道: 「見義不為,非勇也。」而歷史證明了許多勇者以百折不屈的精神,追求夢想,終能達成目標。